
About me

I am (as stated above) a web developer and designer based in the UK. I'm completely self taught and have been a developer since age 11, a self proclaimed designer since about a year ago and a tinkerer since birth.

Currently looking for work.

My journey:

I got started making the absolute worst winforms apps with my friend back in 2019 (you can see these in my previous works section). This was incredibly rough to start learning with but my reasons for using it were: I can make something without lots of code and that it was just a means to and end. Around that time I had also started to use GitHub... without the Git part. After a year of learning I knew I was testing the limits of my tools and I needed something better. This led me to HTML, JS and CSS. After a few months of tinkering and making my (insanely over-ambitious) project called Omnipetal. I learnt more and realised that the thing everyone used was React.js. And luckily I tried React when it was JSX and Hooks so I wasnt scared by the crazy syntax, This then led to me discovering proper CSS. Not just changing fonts and setting padding: REAL CSS; This was my moment where I realised web development was going to be my passion. I still enjoyed general programming and solving problems but creating something visually and seeing it work with different looks and styles was incredible to me. I've since tried out other languages like Rust and Python but this is still my main passion.

I've been striving to make better designs, climb higher and hopefully make a living out of my passion.


Started off making low quality things, now I'm making better things but I'm always learning. And please hire me.


Previous work




Contact me


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